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Bricks is a classic arcade game, in which the aim is to destroy a wall of bricks by touching them with a moving ball. In Bricks, the controls are simple gamepad style arrows: By touching the left side of the screen the paddle moves left; by touching the right side of the screen the paddle moves right. If you enjoy the game please do the usual cool stuff: rate, share, thumbs up... Have big fun! Find it on App Store. https://itunes.apple.com/app/bricks/id1191484542
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A Prova Oral no iOS

Agora para os utilizadores do iOS aqui está a App da Prova Oral. Já podem ouvir, descarregar para ouvir mais tarde, entrar em directo no programa e consultar o Blog deste maravilhoso programa de rádio. Descarregar no iTunes

O Podcast da Prova Oral.

Acabo de lançar uma nova aplicação no Google Play chamada Prova Oral. Um dos meus programas de rádio favoritos. Esta app permite descarregar os podcast da Prova Oral e ouvir quando quiser, ou ouvir directamente da internet sem descarregar. Tem também um menu para poder participar no programa em directo, por chamada, Facebook ou email. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=osga.util.ProvaOral&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm9zZ2EudXRpbC5Qcm92YU9yYWwiXQ

Phone Forward

Did you forgot your phone at home? See who's calling you. This app lets you forward through email or sms incoming calls or sms text messages. With an activation code you can activate the forward notifications by sending an SMS to your phone, in case that you forgot your phone at home without activating the notifications. The activation by SMS must have the following sentence: [Email|SMS][activation code][email|phone number] Email example: Email 1234  xxxx@gmail.com SMS Example: Sms 1234 987654321 Remember forward your notifications by SMS or Email can have costs. Please check your contract with your operator. To disable send a SMS with:[email|sms][code] Note 2: It only works with gmail emails.  Download it here. Many thanks to my wife Ana that helped me with the graphics and Cristiana Moreira that help me do debugging.